
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Clairsonic Mia

Hey everyone! 
I started using the Clairsonic Mia a few months ago and I cannot believe how much it has changed my skin!  For those of you who don’t know what the heck I am talking about, I will explain.  The Mia is a handheld face cleanser with rotating/vibrating bristles.  It literally buffs the dirt and grime and makeup off of your skin!  It leaves your skin feeling squeaky clean!  I had very pink cheekbones, always looked like I was wearing blush.  That may sound nice, but it wasn’t!  I also had redness in other places.  Some of that I can attribute to hormones, a lot of women get redness in certain places because of hormones.  The Mia has helped reduce a lot of that and has helped my skin balance out a lot! 
I have an oily T-Zone and dry cheeks :(  But after using the Mia it has started to balance out!  I must say I have to moisturize way more now, the Mia can be rather drying if you don’t moisturize enough.  If you are looking for a new way to get a nice deep clean for your skin, ***OH YA you can buy an attachment for your body too!***, then this is what you should research and look in to!!!


  1. @alisa_m_: To answer your Twitter question, you should only use this once daily. I find it drying using it just once a day so I am sure twice a day would be really tough on our delicate skin! Now, re: cleaning, I just take more of my face wash (I use clinique) and put it on my fingers and rub the MIA (while its on)around. Then I rinse in warm water! Replace the brush head every 3-4 months.

    I hope that helps answer your questions!


  2. It does help! Thank you for posting this. I'm actually kind of glad to only need to use it once daily. In the morning - one minute to wash my face seems like an eternity, haha. I'll keep you posted in a few weeks and let you know how my skin is doing!


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